Community Guidelines:

At YouForrte, we strive to foster a positive and inclusive community where users can freely express their talents and collaborate with others in the Media & Entertainment sector. To ensure a safe and respectful environment for all, we have established the following community guidelines:

1. Respect Others: Treat fellow users with respect and courtesy. Do not engage in any form of harassment, hate speech, bullying, or discriminatory behavior based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.

2. Appropriate Content: Only share content that is legal, appropriate, and adheres to our Terms of Service. Avoid posting or promoting content that contains violence, explicit or adult material, offensive language, or infringes upon the rights of others.

3. Intellectual Property: Respect the intellectual property rights of others. Do not upload or share content that you do not have the necessary rights or permissions to use.

4. Safety: Do not disclose personal or sensitive information about yourself or others. Report any suspicious or abusive behavior to our moderation team.

5. Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and support to fellow users. Avoid engaging in unnecessary negativity, trolling, or spamming.

6. Compliance with Laws: Follow all applicable local, national, and international laws while using our platform. Do not engage in any illegal activities or encourage others to do so.

7. Reporting Violations: If you come across any content or user behavior that violates our community guidelines, please report it to our moderation team. Your assistance helps us maintain a safe and positive community.

Failure to comply with these community guidelines may result in warnings, content removal, temporary suspension, or permanent termination of your account, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.